How Much Money Has Lindsey Stirling Earned With YouTube?

Lindsey making money with youtubeIn the modern era, where the stage of social media is being ruled by the comedian and hard-core gaming review generators and the mushicians. One can only imagine how hard it can be to be famous for only their style of playing the music instrument. Consider YouTube, where most of the subscribed channels are of the lead pop singers and DJ’s, comedians and last but not the least of gamers who review on games. Lindsey Stirling, a YouTube sensation is a perfect example that fits the above mentioned description. She is an artist who never sings but loves to play with her violin. Few details about her rise to success and others are as followed!

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10 Most Popular International Celebrities on Facebook

Top-10-Most-Popular-Celebs-On-FacebookFacebook is one of the most widely used social media platform. It has over 1.39 billion monthly active users. It is not just a social networking site to connect with friends but also a platform to engage with celebrities and influencers.

I wrote a list post about Twitter top 10 most followed international celebrities sometime back. And in this post, let’s have a look at the ten most popular celebrities on Facebook. 

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Why Politicians And Celebrities Use Twitter But Not Facebook Often?


Why-Politicians-And-Celebrities-Use-Twitter-not-facebookMany celebrities and politicians are often found more active on Twitter than Facebook. This made us curious to dig out the facts and find some reasons why celebs hate Facebook.

Yes, there are many VIPs active on Facebook but on comparison Twitter seems to be winning the race. Below are the four reasons why celebrities and politicians find Twitter more engaging than Facebook.

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How To Use Quora To Build Your Brand Reputation?

QuoraQuora is a very powerful, yet under-utilized marketing and brand building tool. It is community-based, and is one of the biggest crowd-sourced knowledge base. And it may just be the be the future of other knowledge bases because it’s more flexible with anonymity and it has awesome built-in expertise metrics that can help search engines better understand the quality of content. Yet, very few brands utilize it to its fullest. Today, we’ll talk about how Quora can help build your brand reputation.

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5 Useful Facebook Features You Might Have Missed

5 useful Facebook featuresLast year, Facebook released Nearby Friends which tells you where you friend’s location is, and recently, Facebook is letting you make payments through Facebook Messenger. But did you know that Facebook keeps an archive of everything you have ever put on the social network, even stuff you’ve deleted before? Would you like to get a copy of this back?

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How Businesses Can Benefit From Twitter’s ‘While You Were Away’ Feature?

Twitter 'While You Were Away'

Twitter has become an increasingly powerful marketing tool. Now, with the introduction of a new ‘While you were away” feature, it hopes to become something big. Businesses have had a love/hate relationship with Twitter since its birth. It can be a tremendous communication tool, of course, but it seemed to only be of true benefit for big companies. Local businesses outside of real-time floaters had a hard time generating a true return on investment. With this new feature however, Twitter aims to change that.

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