How to Hold A Poll on Google Plus?

PollingRunning polls is a great way of interacting with your social media audience. It gives them a chance to provide a quick one-click answer, which isn’t a problem with most people. And, it provides you with quick feedback from your followers. Another positive thing about polls is that, they tend to spread. Followers of one option or idea tend to gang up on others, especially if the poll goes viral. Facebook’s polling is a very good example. Questions on Facebook get passed around a lot by people who check an option just because they like it. Hence, polls are a great way of spreading around word about your business. Facebook provides you with nice and easy options to start polls quickly. But what about Google Plus? Weirdly, there is no poll option in Google Plus, which is kind of a let-down, especially since every other person on the network seems to be marketing a business or brand. So how can you hold polls on Google Plus?

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Google Plus made its Cover Photo Bigger- Set Your BIG Cover now!

big cover photoIf you are a social media lover and own a Google Plus account, you must know by now what a great change Google has just introduced. Since the day Google plus came into limelight, it seems like all its aim is to overtake the popularity and followership owned by the largest social networking site Facebook. Having somewhat the similar ideologies as Facebook, the stated social media is coming with something or other to attract the attention of the viewers, first it was the introduction of cover photos, and today, it is the change in size of these covers.

Google Plus has changed the layout of your G+ profiles, allowing you to give your page a new look with a new cover-a large one indeed. The change has taken place a few hours ago and still waiting for its users to adopt it.

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Do you know how to use HashTags in Google Plus and Pinterest?

hashtagsSocial Media has perhaps had more reformation than anything else, including the internet itself. Back in the days of Orkut and MySpace, it was much about finding and connecting with people out there. The social media of today though, has now become a world of its own. One of the most important features now is the live or real time search on social media. This was first introduced by Twitter in the form of the Hashtag. The Hashtag is a way of performing live search through unique algorithms that scan tweets and shares for hashtags present in them. This method has been adopted by many websites now, and looks like it’s growing in popularity. The Hashtag is an effective way of getting your tweets and shares noticed, and is a great social networking feature you can make use of. So are you using it effectively?

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