5 Most Useful Tools For Freelance Writers

5 most useful tools for freelance writersAre you a freelance writer? Do you want to increase your productivity? Of course, every freelancer wants to. And as a writer, whether full-time or part-time, you need to be well-armed with the best writing tools for the job. That way, you can consistently deliver quality output and build healthy relationships with your clients. 

But according to Thesis Helpers, not having the right tools can be bad for your writing business. So, you need to make the right choice for your freelance writing career to be successful. Below are the best tools you need for your writing tasks.


If you are reading or getting to know about Grammarly for the first time, then it’s because you are a newbie. Grammarly is a popularly used tool designed editing contents. Plus it has both free and paid plans, too. The paid plan gives users access to more advanced features and provides more in-depth proofreading.

If you are also looking to improve your writing skills, you will find Grammarly useful. While editing an article, the tool offers suggestions that can help enhance the quality of the content. It also checks contents for different errors such as spelling, passive voice, grammar, punctuation, and many more!

Another excellent feature this tool possesses is the ability to check for plagiarism. It also provides information on the readability score of each content to help the writer make the necessary adjustments if need be. 


If an opportunity to return to the days of typewriters presents itself, many freelance writers would gladly accept it. The thing is there are too many distractions on the internet these days. And no matter how disciplined you are, once you are addicted to social media, you will find yourself drifting away from your writing tasks, even when you have tons of work on your desk with tight deadlines. 

In short, without these distractions, most writers would be able to confidently delivery more than 10,000 words daily. So if you are struggling to stay focused while using the internet, consider installing StayFocused, a Google Chrome extension. This tool will help to block off all your distractions, whether Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, or other social platforms.  


If you are a freelance writer, you certainly need Dropbox! This cool tool can enable you to manage your busy schedules, something freelance writers often face. It offers cloud storage of files, file synchronization, and many more! So, even if you travel to another location without your laptop or storage device, you can access your projects and continue working with another PC, irrespective of the place, time or file size you want to access.

Also, there are different ways you can use Dropbox. But one thing is clear; it’s a popular and useful tool for freelance work. You can collaborate on projects with other writers or work alone in your home. You can also share files with your clients once you are done with your work. 

Hemingway App

The Hemingway App is another cool tool popularly used by freelance writers and bloggers. It is a tool that can make your writing super easy to understand and read. 

Hemingway app highlights sentences that require fixing with beautiful colours, thus making editing tasks a breeze. All of these can improve the quality of your work and help you become a better writer in no time.

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is another fantastic writing tool for freelance writing. Even this very post was written with this same tool. Microsoft Word office has numerous features that make content creation a breeze. 

You can create, edit, and also share your files with ease with this tool. You can view and edit document properties like keywords, titles, change font size, font face, format, insert table, change text colour, and many more!


These are tools popularly used by freelance writers. They can also enable you to be more efficient in your writing. So if you are a freelance writer, consider installing any of these applications on your device. Impressively, by using some of the tools mentioned above, your writing will improve massively within a short time. Your only duty is to understand the best way to use them for your writing tasks.  

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