How to Shop Online in Pakistan without Using Paypal?

paypal boundedBusy schedules have given a rise to the online shopping schemes and now, the first priority is given to the e-commerce market these days. PayPal is the most widely used online international payment processor but unfortunately their services are not available to Pakistan.

money-transferIn my last post, I shared few tricks to have your own PayPal Account in Pakistan, but today, I have decided to let you know about some great alternatives of PayPal that can make your life easy in online transactions if you are living in Pakistan.

Although few international online markets do not accept any alternatives but keep their business dealings only with PayPal, you can still find these alternatives very useful in making you survive in most of the cases.


InstantPay is a product of, and is considered as a PayPal alternative for Pakistan, Middle East, Africa and other countries which do not have a PayPal access.

InstantPay gives you all what you need through PayPal, some key Features are as follows:

  • Provides an online virtual account
  • You can Deposit money into your online account,
  • Redeem money through ATM cards
  • Buy/Sell products/services online
  • Transfer money online
  • Interbank money transferinstantpay

Western Union

western union is probably one of those online transacting methods, with whom I m familiar since many years. Western union is the quickest and easiest way of transferring funds from one place to another, internationally, as well as locally. Due to the simplicity and efficiency of their operation, they charge you the most as compared to the others. Western union is one of those Payment processors that are accepted by most of the vendors throughout the world.

There are many online shops from where you can do online shopping, simply using your western union account, few of them are, emarkaz, shophive

western union


One of the best alternatives of PayPal is Payoneer. Many companies have selected Payoneer as a payment method over Western Union to pay their freelancers and employs. Payoneer gives you a Master Debit Card and you can withdraw your fund using ATMs. In Pakistan Payoneer card can be used at MNet ATMs (MCB, Standard Chartered and Citi Bank).Your clients can load money to your card using credit cards and US ACH. What else are you looking for?


2CO, also famous as 2Chekcout is another payment solution. There are a lot of sites that use 2CO as their online payment transaction processors. You still love PayPal? Then here you get it all, you can accept PayPal payments using 2CO. 2CO offers customer invoicing allowing you to send invoices to your clients by email. 2 CO also offers Payoneer Master Card, you can withdraw funds from 2CO using Payoneer Master Card or through check/wire transfer to your bank account. There is a good deal of online shopping websites that accepts your payments with 2chkout.

Example of such a site is shopping.2co,buy92, etc.

However, all good things cost you something, and here too, you have to pay $50as a sign up fee. Therefore, for one site and for invoicing clients through email, 2CO is the best choice


AlertPay is also one of the great ways of online transactions, and can be used for receiving payments from clients. They are based in Canada, having a very fast customer support. It is a Payment Processor that is primarily used by Paid To Click (PTC), Paid To Read (PTR) and High Yield Investment Program (HYIP) kind of sites. Due to their low fees and customer friendly service AlertPay is getting a lot of popularity. Many large business and financial transactions across Europe and Asia are done with AlertPay.alertpay

The best part is, you get all types of account all free to join. At start up, you can get a personal account for free and you can withdraw money via Check, Bank Wire and Bank Transfer.


Moneybookers is also a competitor to paypal and just like others; MoneyBookers can also be used for receiving and sending funds (person to person and person to business transfers). MoneyBookers can wire you internationally; funds can be received in MCB and UBL just in 3 to 4 days. However, this is necessary to mention here that although a number of online stores and other companies are shifting towards MoneyBookers, still a very small number of merchants accept MoneyBookers online- that means it has still a long way to go, preventing you to access good web hosting companies, big stores and other services, not only this, but another drawback is that payments can only be made using VISA.

American Express

Another popular name for online money transaction is American Express here; you can use it as an alternative for transferring your money across the globe with your American Express account. There are many online shop markets that allow you to pay your billings with your American express. For example,buy92, etc.

american express

So, these were a few alternatives of PayPal that you can use from Pakistan to make online Transactions worldwide and can enjoy the new trend of Online shopping.

Do share other alternatives and your experiences with them.


16 thoughts on “How to Shop Online in Pakistan without Using Paypal?”

  1. This web site is actually attention-grabbing i’m longing for is there any other examples? however anyway thanks significantly because I found that i was searching for.

  2. This is what I really was searching for, Nida. I like many swrvices. But when I am to pay through Master Card, VISA Credit cards, what should I do then?

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