30 Websites where you can learn Programming

learn coding onlineEvery then and now, you need to make a website and for that all what you needed is Geocities account and a basic knowledge of HTML, but if you want to give it a fancy look you may throw a bit of cascade style sheets. Now, by passing time people build websites on the grounds of one or more advance coding languages. If you want to add apps and services for the web, you need to excel in one of these popular languages known as programming. There are steps in learning to code, first select a language to code in, then where and how to start working with Java Script and ruby and then finding a right web host to setup a server test etc.

If you are looking to find resources to learn to code for free you are at right place. Many general and community tutorials, university level and language specific coding communities offer excellent ways to learn to code. Here are some websites with their basic guidelines to help you pick an educated guess for you to learn programming.
UNIVERSITY- Many renowned universities offer free courses, here are some,

1. MIT OpenCourseWare

All educational material is available online for free from its undergraduate and graduate level and it uses Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike license. It offers varieties of courses from Electrical Engineering to Computer sciences. There are above 2100 courses provided with their video lectures, notes, homework problems and exams, discussion topics and chronological reading.

2. Stanford University

It offers plenty of programming courses including coding together programming Methodology,  Human computer interaction, Apps software for iPhone and iPad, Computer Science course, programming Paradigms, Abstraction.

3. Princeton University

It is located in New jersey and  offers verity of online training courses and introduction to computer networking and complete free online college courses, classes , audio lectures. The coursear site will provide you courses like networking, algorithm, computer architecture, web intelligence, an introduction to Interactive Programming in Python.

4. University of Michigan

Through the coursera you will find high quality online courses including  web intelligence, big data analysis, social network analysis, EECS course, internet history, technology, security.

GENERAL and COMMUNITY LEVEL LEARNING- If you generally planning rather than your field of study and holds an interest to get your hands on the programming here are some resources through which you can access to them .

5. http://code.google.com

It is an excellent source and provides a collaborative development environment to work on different projects or you can either learn to host a projects such as games, android Java Script, CPlusPlus,  App Engine .

6. Google Code University:

It does not require registration and materials are provided that are free to use. It provides an excellent an ample source for code learning by providing easy access to tutorials for computer science, discussion forums, lectures , courses, server tests, database, programming languages, web programming, web security, algorithm , android, Google python class.

7. Webmonkey:

A term used for amateur web designer. It provides many resources for beginners and website developers as it is a popular online tutorial website composed of excellent articles and varied articles on building WebPages from backend to frontend,  and encompass guide from building and developing many aspects like multimedia, database, setting up web storefronts till publishing a website on HTML. It includes how to guides, code libraries, sever technology and authoring resources

8. Webcraft:

Mozilla school of web craft provided peer powered driven study groups, get help from mentors and learn to highlight your technical and communication skill by free social learning about open web development, web designing and developer training in the world.

9. OER Commons

It’s a collection of over 30, 000 educational resources from teachers, authors- including open text books, tutorials projects, courses to promote an open access and Creative Common Licensed Resources for supporting NSCC’s curriculum and instructional programs.

10. Code School:

Its an interactive market place where you can learn to program as fast and painless as possible. It introduces an upgraded way to learn Ruby on Rails in the browser with no additional configuration needed. It allows the developer to quickly create a mentainable web application by using Ruby on Rail. Many of the course are paid but some are worth checking such as Rails for Zombies.

11. Khan Academy:

It holds variety of python resources, library of over 3000 videos covering everything, and offers computer science courses with an introduction to programming and computer science.

12. ArsDigita University:

It offers variety of course in its curriculum like in computer science, Algorithim, Designing, Analyses, systems, web applications even artificial intelligence.  Several courses are straightforward adopted from MIT.

13. SitePoint Reference:

You can find multiple valuable reference  material for cascade style sheath shortcuts, properties, browser compatibility, Java Script and HTML.

14. Lifehacker Night School:

Lifehacker.com provides a concise full beginner’s guide to learn to code, bonus features3D modeling by 4.5 lessons offering the fundamentals of programming and through further resources as well.

15. Wikibooks

To find resources in almost every coding language check out computer programming section of Wiki books because it contains substantial content and it is well formatted

. It was previously called as Wikimedia free textbook Project and Wikimedia text book.

16. Land of Code:

You can find multiple lessons and tutorials for various programming and significant languages include HTML, PHP, Java. The web has largest independent online cookie database.

17. Skillcrush:

Learn anything you want to develop and create whateveryou want to through this site. It offers resources, cheat sheets.

18. Udemy:

It is an online learning website that allow instructor to host courses, it offers many paid courses but some are unpaid so do not forget to check them before you register. It provides variety of courses to learn computer programming by articles and blog post to build rich courses.

19. Academic Earth:

It has an impressive collection of video lectures from universities such as Harvard, MIT, Computer Sciences, Princeton, Stanford and Yale, and help in boosting learn to code in computer sciences and programming.

20. HakTip:

Whether you are a beginner or professional it’s a substantial viewing for current and aspiring hacker, IT professional and computer enthusiastic. Do not forget to check it out this weekly web show to find and get your hands deep into programming.

21. WiBit.net

It offers several online courses and videos mainly in C and Java, and training tutorial for learning computer software development programming in C, C++,OOP. By using its Tic Tac Toe screenshots  you can browse many high resolution images, screenshots etc

22. Stack Exchange:

It’s a network of group of question and answer websites almost 88 in number, each covering a specific topic and verities of topics are discuss where you can learn through peers.

23. The Code Project:

It provides you with free source code , tutorials, tips for software developers and Architects. This site mainly contains articles, discussion forums for computer programming, algorithms,  and GUI designing. Many of the articles are not verified as they are uploaded by visitors and have not been extracted from an external source. It has rating and comment system that helps in extracting best articles.

24. Village88:

It is one of the most user friendly web development site ever, you can learn how to code from real people, from your mentors. It provides videos which are easy to understand, you can get certified even and find a job on the same site.

25. Dream.In.Code:

Find articles, forums, for web developers and programmers. It provides you an excellent customer service.

LANGUAGE SPECIFIFIC CODING – Get your hands completely and excel in one or two of languages you want through these sites.

26. gotoAndLearn():

You can find free video tutorials on interactive development for adobe flash development and other flash platform, such as flash Catalyst and Flex 4.

27. Try Ruby:

Code school provide a course, try Ruby, as it keeps a balance between simplicity and power, it is now revolutionizing the web. You can learn ruby with online tutorials and interactive sessions.

28. Kidsruby:

It is Ruby programming software meant for kids to learn and have fun. Its latest version has gone international with Japanese, Spanish translations.

29. WWDC Session videos:

It provides you with over 100 session videos from the apple world wide developer Conferences for free. It provides you an excess to range of videos offering in depth information on developing in iOS, Mac OS X and Safari.

30. Code Avengers:

Here you can learn javascript, web app development by playing educational games. Even beginner will enjoy CSS3, and HTML5. CSS lessons are available now.

Hope that the following sites turn our to be beneficial for you and generate a good income.

Best Wishes

13 thoughts on “30 Websites where you can learn Programming”

  1. Hello Nida,
    Nice list but don’t you think W3Schools deserves a place? I started my learning from it and unless i am wrong even Mustaffa bro did!
    Btw keep up the good work!

    • Hi Harsh, Long Time Buddy, Nio doubt about the popularity of w3schools, Even it was my first institute online while i was looking for some HTML Tutorials. Thanks a lot for the addition! WHat i tried to focus in this post was to introduce some new places.

      Thanks Alot

  2. This is really Nice informative thing who mentioned, I wanted to learn programming but at one place it was very hard to find all the topics and perfect solution of any problm…

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